Effects of Weathering Bridge Steel and Cooling Rate on the Interfacial Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Stainless Steel Clad Plates
摘要: 为探究桥梁钢材质、热轧工艺等对桥梁结构用不锈钢复合板界面特征的影响,利用Gleeble-1500D热模拟机分别开展屈服强度420 MPa级 (Q420qENH)、500 MPa级 (Q500qENH) 耐候桥梁钢与316L不锈钢模拟热轧复合,获得316L+Q420qENH复合钢和316L+Q500qENH复合钢。结果显示,相同工艺条件下,相较316L+Q420qENH复合钢,316L+Q500qENH复合钢界面耐候钢一侧铁素体层更窄,界面剪切强度较高 (大于420 MPa)。相同材质条件下(316L+Q420qENH复合钢),轧后冷却速度0.25~1 ℃/s范围内,随着冷却速度的增加,界面处元素扩散程度降低,界面剪强度逐渐下降。轧后冷却速度1~10 ℃/s范围内,随着冷却速度的增加,靠近界面处,基层铁素体含量下降,且显微组织逐渐细化,界面剪强度逐渐上升。316L+Q420qENH复合钢轧后冷却速度为10 ℃/s时,界面剪切强度最高,达到422 MPa。总的来看,对于耐候桥梁钢与不锈钢复合试样,界面处铁素体含量减少、显微组织细化以及元素扩散程度增加等均有利于提升界面抗剪能力。Abstract: 316L+Q420qENH and 316L+Q500qENH stainless steel clad plates were prepared by Gleeble-1500D to simulate the hot-rolling bonding of Q420qENH/Q500qENH weathering bridge steel and 316L stainless steel. The effects of bridge weathering steel and cooling rate on the interfacial microstructure and shear strength of stainless steel clad plates were investigated. The results showed that 316L+Q500qENH exhibited higher interfacial shear strength (>420 MPa) than 316L+Q420qENH, which had thinner banded ferrite. For 316L+Q420qENH steel, when the cooling rate increased from 0.25 ℃/s to 1 ℃/s, the degree of element diffusion decreased, leading to a decrease in interfacial shear strength. Within the cooling rate range of 1~10 ℃/s after rolling, the content of ferrite at the interface gradually decreased and the microstructure gradually refined. Therefore the interface shear strength of 316L+Q420qENH steel gradually improved and reached the highest value at 10 ℃/s, which was 422 MPa. In general, the reduction of ferrite content at the interface, the refinement of microstructure and the increase of element diffusion were conducive to improve the interfacial shear strength of the stainless steel clad plates.
Key words:
- cooling rate /
- interfacial microstructure /
- element diffusion /
- shear strength
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