State-of-the-Art on Fatigue Properties of Corroded Steel Members Subjected to Marine Atmosphere
摘要: 疲劳破坏是引起金属结构破坏的最主要原因之一,若考虑锈蚀,问题更为复杂。国内外学者对锈蚀钢构件疲劳性能进行了系统全面的研究。文章以“锈蚀电化学过程—锈蚀表征方法—锈蚀钢构件疲劳性能”为主线,对相关研究成果进行回顾与分析。结果表明:对钢材锈蚀的电化学过程、锈蚀疲劳破坏一般规律、锈蚀特征的单一表征方法等方面已有了清晰的认识。但是,锈蚀钢结构疲劳性能时变演化规律的精准预测仍然面临重大挑战。未来需要进一步研究钢结构锈坑时空分布规律和形貌特征参数随机模型、自然环境和环境箱人工环境中钢结构锈蚀机理相似性、海洋大气环境下锈蚀钢结构疲劳性能随机演化机理,以及锈蚀钢结构疲劳性能控制与提升。Abstract: Fatigue failure is one of the main causes of metal structure damage, and if corrosion is considered, the problem becomes more complex. Domestic and foreign scholars have conducted systematic and comprehensive research on the fatigue properties of corroded steel components. The paper critically reviewed and analyzed the state-of-the-art on fatigue properties of corroded steel elements subjected to marine atmosphere in terms of electrochemical corrosion process, corrosion characterization, fatigue properties of corroded steel components. It was found that the electrochemical process of steel corrosion, the general laws of fatigue properties of corroded steels, the characterization of corroded steel surfaces based on a single index have been clearly understood. However, the accurate evaluation of the evolution of fatigue properties of corroded steel structures still faces significant challenges. It is suggested to further identify the spatiotemporal distribution and random models of morphological characteristics of corroded steels, the similarity of steel corrosion mechanisms between natural and artificial environmental conditions, the random evolution mechanism of fatigue properties of corroded steel structures in marine atmospheric environment, as well as the control and improvement of the fatigue properties of corroded steel structures.
Key words:
- marine atmosphere /
- steel member /
- corrosion /
- fatigue
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