Research on Process-Based Carbon Emissions of Floor Construction of Prefabricated Steel Structures
摘要: 基于装配式钢结构工程施工过程特点,提出基于工序的施工碳排放计算方法,以某多层钢结构数据中心项目为例验证方法的可行性,获得钢结构楼板楼承板、剪力钉、钢筋和混凝土工程共10项工序施工碳排放基础参数。以单位平方米楼板面积碳排放为计量单位,所得钢结构楼板施工总碳排放为0.759 5 kgCO2/m2,该值相当于楼板建材隐含碳排放的1.64%。碳排放贡献由大到小依次为混凝土工程(0.477 8 kgCO2/m2)、钢筋工程(0.181 5 kgCO2/m2)、剪力钉工程(0.067 1 kgCO2/m2)、楼承板工程(0.033 1 kgCO2/m2)。施工过程能源/物料消耗产生碳排放分别占比72.6%、27.4%,产生的直接、间接、隐含碳排放分别占比62.9%、9.7%和27.4%。基于研究提出的计算方法,所得结果可呈现主要碳排放源,有助于追溯钢结构工程施工碳排放热点并制定减排措施。对于文中案例,单项碳排放占比超过5%的施工工序有混凝土预拌、钢筋绑扎、混凝土泵送和剪力钉焊接,这4项共产生了楼板施工总碳排放的88.9%。Abstract: Based on the characteristics of the construction process of prefabricated steel structures, a process-based construction carbon emission calculation method was proposed, and the feasibility of the method was verified in a case study of a multi-story steel-structured data center project. Through on-site measurement and investigation, the basic parameters of construction process-specific carbon emissions in 10 processes of floor deck, shear nails, steel rebars and concrete works were obtained. The calculation results were uniformly characterized as carbon emissions per square meter of floor area, and it showed that the total carbon emissions of steel structure floor construction were 0.759 5 kgCO2/m2 floor area, which was equivalent to 1.64% of the building material embodied carbon emissions of the floor construction. The carbon emission contribution was concrete works (0.477 8 kgCO2/m2 floor area), steel rebar works (0.181 5 kgCO2/m2 floor area), shear nail works (0.067 1 kgCO2/m2 floor area), and floor deck works (0.033 1 kgCO2/m2 floor area) in descending order. Among them, the carbon emissions by construction energy and material consumption accounted for 72.6% and 27.4%, respectively, and the generated direct, indirect, and embodied carbon emissions accounted for 62.9%, 9.7% and 27.4%, respectively. Based on the calculation method proposed by this study, the results obtained could show the main carbon emission sources, which was conducive to tracing the carbon emission hotspots of steel structure construction and formulating corresponding carbon reduction measures. In this case, the construction processes that generated carbon emissions more than 5% of total were the concrete mixing process, steel rebar lashing process, concrete pumping process, and shear nail welding process, which together generated 88.9% of the total carbon emissions of floor construction.
Key words:
- steel structures /
- prefabricated /
- floor /
- construction /
- process /
- carbon emissions
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