Quantitative Evaluation of Crack Damage Based on U2-Net and Morphology
摘要: 针对混凝土结构表观裂缝数据类别不均衡与损伤特征量化问题,提出了一种基于U2-Net和形态学结合的裂缝损伤评估方法。首先,将Dice损失函数与损失权重融合构造损失函数,并嵌入迁移学习,使用U2-Net网络对混凝土构件表观裂缝的数据集进行训练,根据预测得到的裂缝二值图像,提取预测裂缝图的骨架,最终将裂缝划分为线性裂缝和网状裂缝,针对不同类型的裂缝使用形态学对预测出的裂缝提取对应的特征参数,并对相应的裂缝特征参数进行误差分析,验证裂缝特征参数的有效性。研究结果表明:该方法预测出的裂缝特征参数与真实标记的参数误差相对较小,线性裂缝长度、最大宽度和平均宽度的相对误差平均值分别为-1.34%、1.08%和2.64%,网状裂缝面积和覆盖率的相对误差平均值分别为0.05%和0.07%,表明该方法检测精度相对较高,对混凝土结构的裂缝检测有一定的参考价值。Abstract: Aiming at the problem of uneven classification of apparent crack data and quantification of damage characteristics of concrete structures, a crack damage assessment method based on U2-Net and morphology was proposed. The Dice loss function and the loss weight were fused to construct the loss function, and the loss function was embedded in transfer learning. The U2-Net network was used to train the data set of apparent cracks of concrete members. The skeleton of the predicted crack map was extracted according to the predicted crack binary image, and finally the cracks were divided into linear cracks and mesh cracks. According to different types of cracks, the corresponding characteristic parameters were extracted by morphology, and the error analysis of the corresponding fracture characteristic parameters was carried out to verify the validity of the fracture characteristic parameters. The results showed that: the average relative errors of linear fracture length, maximum width and average width were -1.34%, 1.08% and 2.64%, respectively, and the average relative errors of mesh fracture area and coverage were 0.05% and 0.07%, respectively. It showed that this method had relatively high detection precision and had certain reference value for crack detection of concrete structures.
Key words:
- U2-Net /
- Dice loss function /
- crack quantification /
- morphology /
- unbalanced data
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