Mechanical Properties of Inclined Steel-Reinforced Concrete Column Structure of Shenzhen Huangmugang Comprehensive Transportation Hub
摘要: 深圳黄木岗综合交通枢纽地下结构采用大直径型钢混凝土斜柱体系,在满足使用要求的同时显著提升了地铁站的建筑美感及换乘舒适度。该斜柱竖向倾斜布置,竖向夹角最大为13°且斜柱位于横纵梁节点外侧并仅与结构横梁相连。为明确型钢混凝土斜柱力学性能,设计并制作了缩尺比为1:8的型钢混凝土斜柱模型试件,并对其进行了静力试验研究,获得了斜柱在轴力、剪力和弯矩共同作用下的破坏过程及力学响应。采用ABAQUS有限元软件对斜柱力学性能进行了数值分析。试验和数值分析结果表明:横梁及腋梁可在两个方向上有效约束型钢混凝土斜柱侧向变形,斜柱承载力可达设计荷载的1.62倍,结构设计安全可靠;荷载达到试件承载力时,梁柱节点平面内及平面外水平位移分别为斜柱长度的1/3 046和1/3 236;斜柱上柱段中部及底部发生压溃破坏,钢筋压屈,腋梁侧面出现少量斜裂缝。Abstract: A large-diameter inclined steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) column system is utilized in the underground structure of the Shenzhen Huangmugang comprehensive transportation hub, enhancing both the architectural aesthetics and the transferring comfort while meeting operational requirements. The SRC columns are vertically inclined and have a maximum inclination angle of 13°, and the columns connected to the horizontal beams in the structure, are located outside the beam-beam joints. To investigate the mechanical Properties of the inclined columns, a specimen on a scale of 1/8 was designed and fabricated, and the failure process and response of the column were determined by static test in combination with axial load, shear force, and bending moment. ABAQUS software was employed to further determine the mechanical properties of the inclined SRC column. The results revealed that the horizontal beams and corbels could effectively restrain the lateral deformation of the inclined columns in both directions. The bearing capacity of the inclined columns was 1.62 times the design load, indicating the design was safe and reliable. When the load reached its peak, the in-plane and out-plane lateral displacement was 1/3 046 and 1/3 236 of the length of the inclined column. The concrete in the middle and bottom zone of the upper column region was crushed significantly and the longitudinal steel bar also buckled, and few cracks were observed at the side surface of the corbels.
Key words:
- steel-reinforced concrete /
- inclined column /
- supporting beam /
- mechanical properties /
- static test
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