A New Reinforcement Technique and Stability Analysis for Large Composite Storage Tank Roofs
摘要: 大型储罐罐顶的罐壁薄、跨度大,在外压作用下容易出现失稳问题。以某大型2万t复材储罐典型工程为例,针对其罐顶稳定性提升的需求,提出复材拱加固、复材拱-工字钢-槽钢组合加固、工字钢-槽钢组合加固、三角钢桁架加固罐顶等四种加固方案,并建立有限元模型对加固前后的储罐进行特征值屈曲分析。结果表明,加固前罐顶稳定系数为1.29,远小于GB 150—1998《钢制压力容器》的要求(稳定系数为15)。除复材拱加固外,其余应用钢结构与复材进行组合的加固方案均有较好的效果,加固后罐顶稳定系数均满足GB 150—1998的要求。在此基础上,综合分析了各加固方案的造价及施工工艺,结果表明小截面三角钢桁架加固复材罐顶为最优方案,为大型复材储罐罐顶的加固和优化设计提供技术参考。Abstract: The roof of large storage tank is prone to instability under external pressure due to its thin wall and large span. Taking a large 20 000-ton composite storage tank as an example, in order to improve the stability of the tank roof, four reinforcement schemes were proposed, such as composite arch reinforcement, composite arch-I-beam-channel steel combined reinforcement, I-beam-channel steel combined reinforcement, and triangular steel truss reinforcement. A finite element model was established to perform buckling analysis of the tank roof before and after reinforcement. It was shown that the stability coefficient of the tank roof before reinforcement was 1.29, which was much smaller than the requirements of a stability coefficient of 15 in Steel pressure vessels (GB 150—1998). Except for the composite arch reinforcement, other reinforcement schemes that combined steel structures with composite materials exhibited favorable effects, and the stability coefficient of the tank roof after reinforcement could meet the requirements of GB 150—1998. Based on this, the cost and construction processes of each reinforcement scheme were systematically analyzed. The small cross-sectional triangular steel truss reinforcement scheme was identified as the optimal solution for the composite tank roof, which could provid technical reference for the reinforcement and optimization design of large composite storage tank roofs.
Key words:
- composite material /
- large storage tank /
- reinforcement /
- steel truss /
- stability coefficient
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