Value Re-Cognition of Yingxian Wood Pagoda from MultipleValue Perspectives
摘要: 应县木塔是世界上现存最古老最高的楼阁式木塔,代表了中国木构建筑营造技术的最高水平。由于木塔历经千年的风霜和灾害战乱,近年损伤变形逐年加剧,其保护修缮已迫在眉睫。价值分析是遗产保护的首要工作。对此,基于历史、科学、艺术及社会文化等多价值视角,分析了应县木塔价值的构成和来源,如形制风格、结构损伤、构件形态、佛像秘藏等方面的历史价值;结构体系、比例尺度方面的科学价值;形体比例、斗栱构造、佛像、壁画、匾额、风铃和书法等方面的艺术价值;社会凝聚、文化多样性、景观资源等方面的社会文化价值等,以期为未来保护修缮提供参考借鉴。Abstract: Yingxian Wood Pagoda is the oldest and highest pavilion-like wood pagoda in the world, which represents the highest level of wood construction technology in China. As, the wood pagoda has suffered plenty of weathering, disasters and wars, it is urgent to be protected and repaired from its increasing damage and deformation with time. The value analysis is the optimized task of a heritage protection. Therefore, the value composition of Yingxian Wood Pagoda was analyzed from history, science, art and social culture and other multi-value perspectives. The historic value of the wood pagoda was explored from the aspects of architectural styles, structure damages, member forms, Buddhas and hoards. The scientific value of wood tower was explored from the aspect of the structure system and proportion scale. The artistic value was explored from architectural form proportions, Dougong, Buddhas, murals, plaques, wind chimes and calligraphy. The social and cultural values were explored from social condensation, cultural diversity and landscape resources, which was expected to provide reference to future conservation of historical heritage.
Key words:
- multiple value perspective /
- Yingxian Wood Pagoda /
- culture heritage /
- value analysis
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