Research Progress on Dynamic Characteristic Monitoring Methods of Super High-Rise Buildings
摘要: 随着城市化进程的加速,我国超高层建筑数量急剧增加,然而这些建筑在运营和维护方面存在的问题也逐渐凸显。超高层建筑的服役安全问题引起了学者们的广泛关注。通过对超高层建筑动力特性参数识别的理论方法和实践应用的总结和分析,对以时域、频域、时频域及新型模态识别方法为代表的超高层建筑结构监测技术特点进行了归纳,然后对比了各类监测技术和系统的优势和局限性,并总结了当前超高层监测技术存在的主要问题,探讨了监测技术的发展趋势。最后对动力特性识别方法在超高层监测中的应用进行了梳理,以期为提高超高层建筑的动力特性识别和监测的准确性、有效性和可靠性提供参考依据,为提高我国超高层建筑的安全运营和维护水平提供借鉴。Abstract: The acceleration of urbanization has led to a sharp rise in the number of super high-rise buildings in China. However, the issues related to the operation and maintenance of those buildings have become increasingly prominent. As a result, extensive attention to the service safety of super high-rise buildings have been paid. Summarizing and analyzing the theoretical methods and practical applications of identifying dynamic characteristic parameters of super high-rise buildings, the characteristics of super high-rise building structure monitoring technique, which were represented by the time domain, frequency domain, time-frequency domain and the new modal recognition method. Subsequently, the advantages and limitations of each monitoring method and system were compared. Simultaneously, the main issues in the current monitoring technique for super high-rise buildings were summed and development trends of monitoring methods were discussed. Eventually, the application of dynamic characteristic identification in the monitoring of super high-rise buildings was sorted out which would be expected to present a reference basis for improcing accurcy, effectiveness and reliability of dynamic characteristic identification for super high-rise buildings and provide reference to improving operation and maintenance levels for super high-rise buildings in China.
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