Healthiness Analysis and Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Slopes of Water Diversion Projects Based on Safety Monitoring
摘要: 为有效实现引水工程边坡健康状态评估和故障预测,综合多指标安全监测资料,建立模糊评判模型,获得边坡状态评判隶属度向量,进而提出辨识度更高、应用更便捷的边坡状态健康度,并建立一种基于非线性Wiener过程、以健康度作为其性能退化指标的剩余寿命预测方法;通过对某引水工程边坡工程实例计算获得了其健康度变化曲线,建立了剩余寿命非线性预测模型,结果表明:该方法既可实现引水工程边坡健康状态评估,又可对其进行剩余寿命预测,且预测精度理想,可为边坡提供可靠的状态监控方法及预防性维修决策依据。Abstract: In order to effectively realize the assessment on healthy status of slopes and failure prediction of diversion projects, a fuzzy evaluation model was constructed to obtain the evaluation affiliation vector of slope status integrating multi-indicator monitored safety information, and then a healthy degree of slope status with higher recognition and more convenient application was proposed; and a prediction method for remaining useful life was established based on the nonlinear Wiener process taking healthy degrees as its performance degradation index; according to calculations of a slope in a water diversion project, the time-dependant healthy degree curve was obtained. The results showed that the method could not only evaluate the healthy status of slopes in diversion projects, but also predict the remaining life, and the prediction accuracy was ideal, which could provide a reliable monitoring method for operation status and preventive maintenance decision-making basis for slopes.
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