Micro Vibration Test and Analysis in Experiment Hall of Beijing High Energy Photon Source Facility Induced by Artificial Frequency Sweep Excitation
摘要: 微振动控制是精密大科学装置在建设过程中的重点关注对象之一,北京高能同步辐射光源(HEPS)项目采用浇筑1 m厚钢筋混凝土结构底板加3 m厚的素混凝土垫层的方式来实现项目要求的微振动控制目标。报道了主体结构完工后,在北京高能同步辐射光源建设施工现场开展的1~100 Hz激振器扫频激励试验。通过对试验中实测得到的振动信号在时域和频域内进行分析,评估北京高能同步辐射光源主体结构完成后实验大厅底板的微振动水平和微振动控制能力。试验结果表明:在1~100 Hz的振动激励下,实验大厅底板表现出良好的振动控制能力。Abstract: Micro vibration control is one of the most important goals in the construction of ultraprecise and large-scale scientific facilities. In order to meet the requirements for micro vibration control in High Energy Photo Source (HEPS), Beijing, a 1-meter-thick reinforced concrete slab with a 3-meter-thick concrete layer has been cast. The paper presented a field test of an artificial frequency sweep test from 1 to 100 Hz after the completion of the main structure in HEPS. Based on the analysis of the obtained vibration signals in the time domain and frequency domain, an evaluation of the micro vibration level and the micro vibration control capacity of the slab was conducted. The results indicated that under the vibrator’s excitation from 1 to 100 Hz, the mass concrete slab of experimental hall performed well in micro vibration control.
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