Experimental Research on Seismic Performance of Precast Columns with Intermediate Connections
摘要: 设计并制作了一个中部节点连接预制柱试件及一个同尺寸现浇柱试件,并开展了拟静力试验,试验结果表明:中部节点连接预制柱最终破坏形态表现为柱底塑性铰区破坏及节点连接处型钢破坏,其滞回曲线饱满,具有与现浇柱相当的耗能性能;中部节点连接预制柱初始刚度略低于现浇柱,最终刚度基本与现浇柱趋于一致;中部节点连接预制柱延性系数为3.1,为现浇柱的89%,延性表现较弱,在连接界面未失效情况下,抗震性能与现浇柱相当。Abstract: A precast column with intermediate connections and a cast-in-place column of the same size were designed and manufactured, and the quasi-static test of the two specimens was conducted. The experimental results showed that the ultimate failure mode of the precast column with intermediate connections was the plastic hinge zone failure at the bottom of the column and the steel failure at the joint connection. The hysteresis curve of the precast column with intermediate connections was full, and the energy dissipation performance was equivalent to that of the cast-in-place column. The initial stiffness of the precast column with intermediate connections was slightly lower than that of the cast-in-place column, and the final stiffness was basically consistent with the cast-in-place column. The ductility coefficient of the precast column with intermediate connections was 3.1, which was 89% of the cast-in-place column, and the ductility performance was weak. When the connection interface did not fail, the seismic performance of the precast column was equivalent to that of the cast-in-place column.
Key words:
- precast column /
- pseudo-static test /
- energy dissipation capability /
- ductility
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