A Digital Delivery Method for Large Underground Spaces Integrating Multi-source and Multi-dimensional Data
摘要: 随着信息化水平的不断提高,传统竣工交付模式的弊端日益凸显。为解决大型地下空间场景下传统竣工交付效率低、交付数据可利用性差的问题,提出一种以数据库为核心的融合多源多维数据的数字化交付方法。首先建立面向大型地下空间的数字孪生框架,并依托这套框架提出数字化交付流程,同时提出交付数据的采集、传输、存储与管理方法;然后根据大型地下空间场景交付数据存在多源多维的特点,对交付平台的设计原则、交付内容、功能框架以及应用场景展开详细论述;最后结合工程实例开展数字化交付工作。结果表明,所提交付方法能够显著提高交付效率并节约管理成本,同时形成具有一定经济与信息价值的数据资产。Abstract: With the continuous improvement of the level of informationization, the drawbacks of the traditional as-built delivery mode are becoming more and more prominent. In order to solve the problems of low efficiency of traditional as-built delivery and poor availability of delivery data in large underground space scenarios, a digital delivery method that integrates multi-source and multi-dimensional data with database as the core was proposed. Firstly, the digital twin framework for large underground spaces was established, and the digital delivery process was proposed based on this framework, and the collection, transmission, storage and management methods of delivery data were also proposed; then, according to the multi-source and multi-dimensional characteristics of the delivery data of large underground space scenarios, the design principles of the delivery platform, the delivery content, the functional framework and the application scenarios were discussed in detail; finally, the digital delivery work was carried out by combining the engineering examples, and the results showed that the proposed digital delivery method could be utilized by the database as the core of the delivery data. Finally, the digital delivery work was carried out with engineering examples, and the results showed that the proposed delivery method could significantly improve the delivery efficiency and save the management cost, and at the same time formed data assets with certain economic and information value.
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