Application of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing in New Modular Building Health Monitoring
摘要: 为研究凤凰大厦高层钢模块-框架支撑混合结构体系在施工和使用期间的力学性能,设计并布设了一套基于布里渊散射的分布式光纤结构健康监测系统,并在施工阶段进行了监测。通过对监测数据的分析,得到以下结论:分布式光纤传感监测系统测试精度满足工程需求;围护结构完成前,同一模块不同构件、同一构件不同位置的温度变化量之差可达23 ℃,应注意施工阶段温度作用效应;施工过程中测得构件温度变化量-18~16 ℃,应变变化量(-150~210)×10-6,计算得到附加温度应力为-26.8~36.7 MPa,结构未出现异常响应或损伤。该监测系统的设计和使用为模块化建筑的推广和分布式光纤监测技术在模块化建筑健康监测中的应用提供借鉴。Abstract: In order to study the mechanical properties of the composite structure system of modular integrated construction (MIC)-frame in Phoenix Tower during construction and use, a set of distributed optical fiber structure health monitoring system based on Brillouin scattering was designed and deployed, and then monitored during construction. Through the analysis of the monitoring data, the following conclusions were obtained: the test accuracy of the monitoring system met the engineering requirements; before the completion of the enclosure structure, the difference of temperature variation in different positions of the structure at the same time could reach 23 ℃, and the effect of temperature should be paid attention to in the construction stage. During the construction process, the temperature variation of the component was -18-16 ℃, the strain variation was (-150-210)×10-6, and the additional temperature stress was -26.8-36.7 MPa. No abnormal response or damage occurred. The design and application of this monitoring system could provide a reference for the popularization of modular buildings and the application of distributed optical fiber monitoring technology in the health monitoring of modular buildings.
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