An Exploration on the Value Evaluation Method for the Heritage System of the Third-Front Construction Under the Holistic Protection Idea: Taking Hubei Province as an Example
摘要: 作为见证技术革新、推动历史进步、体现多重价值的"中国式"工业遗产,三线建设建成遗产的合理保存与延续是本文研究的目的与意义。而三线建设时期遗留的工业建筑遗址数量巨大,并非所有都具有保存价值。因此,整体性保护成为土地增量转存量、城市有机更新背景下的首要思路。本文通过研究三线建设建成遗产的系列要素从而明确建筑价值、环境风貌价值、非物质价值、当代价值"四位一体"的价值体系,从而建立系统的价值评价体系,并引入口述历史、公允值范围共同确定评价因子权重。经实证,该体系为评价结果提供了纵向与横向、单一与多元比较的条件,既可横向对比分析不同厂区价值差异,也可纵向对比同一厂区各项价值的相对重要性,最终指导三线建设建成遗产的整体性保护,也为未来我国城市更新中将工业"锈带"转变为生活"秀带"提供了一种工具与方法。Abstract: As a 'Chinese-style’ industrial heritage that witnesses technological innovation, promotes historical progress, and reflects multiple values, the reasonable preservation and continuation of the heritage built by the third-front construction is the purpose and significance of this study. The number of industrial building sites left over from the third-front construction period is huge, and not all of them have preservation value. Therefore, the idea of holistic protection has become the primary idea in the context of land incremental conversion and urban organic renewal. Under the background, the paper studied the series of elements of the built heritage of the third-front construction to clarify the four-in-one value system of architectural value, environmental value, intangible value and contemporary value, so as to establish a systematic value evaluation system, and introduce oral history and fair value range to jointly determine the rates of evaluation factors. Empirically, the system could provide conditions for vertical and horizontal, single and multiple comparisons for the evaluation results. It could not only horizontally compare and analyze the value differences of different plant areas, but also vertically compare the relative importance of various values of the same plant area, and ultimately guide the integrity protection of third-front construction, also provide a tool and method for transforming the industrial'rust belt’ into the 'show belt’ of life in China’s urban renewal in the future.
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