Research on Wind Resistant Reinforcement of In-Plane Cables of Transmission Line Tower and Influence of Design Parameters
摘要: 结合输电塔的结构特征、风致响应特点及荷载特性,提出了一种自立式输电塔塔身平面内预应力拉索加固技术和设计方法。以2020年"黑格比"台风中倒塌的330ZM3-40塔为研究对象,首先开展了拉索预应力对铁塔构件的内力影响及风振响应分析,随后开展了拉索预应力、截面面积、阻尼系数及倾角等设计参数对铁塔风振响应的影响分析。研究表明,经合理设计,在塔身增设多层平面内交叉拉索,可有效降低铁塔在风荷载作用下位移响应及铁塔内力;拉索截面是确保输电塔风振响应效果的关键因素,拉索截面一般应大于100mm;拉索预应力不宜大于150MPa,确保铁塔构件内力增屈比不超过5%;拉索安装倾角按40°~60°布置较为合适;为了更好地控制输电塔的风振响应,应额外增加拉索体系的阻尼,计算表明阻尼比合理取值范围为5%~20%。Abstract: Combined with the structural characteristics, wind-induced response characteristics and load characteristics of transmission tower, a wind resistant reinforcement technique and design method of in-plane cable of self-supporting transmission tower were proposed. Taking 330ZM3-40 tower collapsed in "Hagupit" typhoon in 2020 as the research object, the influence of prestress of cable on the internal force of components of tower and wind-induced vibration time history analysis were carried out. The influence of prestress, section area, damping coefficient and inclination of cable on wind-induced vibration control of tower was analyzed. The research showed that, through reasonable design, setting multi-layer in-plane crossing cables on the body of tower could effectively control the displacement response and internal force of the tower under wind load. The section area of cable was the key factor to ensure the wind-induced vibration control effect of transmission tower, and section area of cable should be greater than 100 mm2; the prestress of cable should not be greater than 150 MPa to ensure that the internal force increase-yield ratio of tower components did not exceed 5%; the angle of installation of cable was 40°-60°; in order to achieve better wind-induced vibration control effect, additional dampings for the cable system should be added with the reasonable value range 5%-20%.
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