摘要: 工业遗存改造是产业变迁在物质空间的映射。根据改革开放以来上海产业变迁的历程,将工业遗存改造划分为4个阶段。通过建立"建筑、场地、景观、其他工业要素"4个方面的物质真实性评价框架,评析不同阶段的代表性案例,验证了产业变迁中的城市宏观产业结构和改造对象的微观产业功能对工业遗存改造中物质真实性特征存续的不同影响,指出物质真实性是产业催生下城市经济发展真实需求的完整写照。研究结果可为上海在新一轮产业转型中的工业遗存改造提供参考。Abstract: The renovation of industrial relics is the mirror of industrial evolution in physical spaces. The paper divided the renovation of industrial relics in Shanghai into four stages according to the industrial evolution since the reform and opening-up. An evaluation framework on physical authenticity was constructed based on four factors of "Building, Place, Landscape and Other Industrial Elements", so as to analyze the representative cases in different stages, to verify the influence of the urban macro industrial structure as well as the micro industrial functions of research objects on the physical authenticity in the renovation of industrial relics in industrial evolution, and pointed out that physical authenticity revealed the real demand of urban economic development generated by industries, which findings could provide reference to renovation of industrial relics in the coming industrial evolution in Shanghai.
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