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ZHAO Jiacheng, LUO Yuxuan, ZHANG Daobo, BAO Charun, FENG Peng. A Novel Approach for Martian Base Construction Using In-Situ Resources[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2024, 54(1): 102-114. doi: 10.3724/j.gyjzG23092901
Citation: ZHAO Jiacheng, LUO Yuxuan, ZHANG Daobo, BAO Charun, FENG Peng. A Novel Approach for Martian Base Construction Using In-Situ Resources[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2024, 54(1): 102-114. doi: 10.3724/j.gyjzG23092901

A Novel Approach for Martian Base Construction Using In-Situ Resources

doi: 10.3724/j.gyjzG23092901
  • Received Date: 2023-09-29
    Available Online: 2024-02-27
  • As the most similar exoplanet in the solar system, Mars is very important in the perspective of strategic value and significance. With the completion of the three missions of “orbiting, landing and patrolling” of Mars at one time, the Martian base construction has become the next important goal to promote our deep space exploration process. Through the investigation of the existing literature on the environment and resource conditions of Mars, comparing them with those on the moon and the Earth, a series of unique problems to be solved in the construction of Mars are put forward. Based on the investigation of technologies suitable for Mars construction, including excavation construction, chemical vapor deposition forming, fused deposition forming, and Martian regolith bonding forming, etc., a new scheme of automatic construction of Martian base based on in-situ resources is proposed, called “China Dome”, which components include an inflatable bag, carbon fiber skeleton, sulfur concrete cladding and hatches. This provides a new way to build a Martian base.
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