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XU Dandan, ZHAO Yuxi, ZENG Bin, GONG Fuyuan. A Review of Corrosion Characteristics of Prestressing Tendons Under the Influence of Stress[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 53(3): 1-11,20. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22083114
Citation: XU Dandan, ZHAO Yuxi, ZENG Bin, GONG Fuyuan. A Review of Corrosion Characteristics of Prestressing Tendons Under the Influence of Stress[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 53(3): 1-11,20. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22083114

A Review of Corrosion Characteristics of Prestressing Tendons Under the Influence of Stress

doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22083114
  • Received Date: 2022-08-31
  • Studies related to the corrosion performance of prestressing tendons under the influence of stress are reviewed in terms of both corrosion phenomena and corrosion effects. The study of corrosion phenomena focuses on the entire development process, including corrosion initiation and pitting formation, pitting evolution and crack nucleation, crack expansion and metal fracture. The presence of stress affects pitting susceptibility by influencing the formation and destruction of the passivation film. By the evolution of pitting, the formation of microcracks at the etch pits is a typical feature of stress corrosion cracking, and by analysing the fracture morphology can determine this fracture mode. The study of corrosion effect concentrates on the degradation of mechanical properties of prestressing tendons with stress history corrosion. The result shows the strength and ductility are reduced to different degrees, and further research is needed on the effect law of stress level/stress amplitude on property degradation.
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