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YANG Biao, YAO Xianhua, HE Shuanghua, GUAN Junfeng, LI Lielie, LI Yue. Reviews of Research on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Coal Gangue Coarse Aggregate Concrete[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 53(1): 212-222. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22040503
Citation: YANG Biao, YAO Xianhua, HE Shuanghua, GUAN Junfeng, LI Lielie, LI Yue. Reviews of Research on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Coal Gangue Coarse Aggregate Concrete[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 53(1): 212-222. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22040503

Reviews of Research on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Coal Gangue Coarse Aggregate Concrete

doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22040503
  • Received Date: 2022-04-05
    Available Online: 2023-05-25
  • Publish Date: 2023-01-20
  • Coal gangue is one of the solid wastes with the largest emission in China. The application of coal gangue as a coarse aggregate in concrete conforms to the concept of green environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction, and has received extensive attention from the construction industry and researchers. On the basis of sammarizing research progress of coal gangue coarse aggregate concrete, the chemical composition and physical properties of coal gangue in different zones of China were introduced, and the influence of the coal gangue coarse aggregate content on the slump, mechanical properties, durability and microstructure of concrete were summarized.Through the analysis of the existing research results of coal gangue coarse aggregate concrete, the future research directions of coal gangue coarse aggregate concrete were prospected.
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