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ZHANG Han, YIN Chao, WANG Zhanghua, ZHAO Xingkui, WANG Shaoping, TIAN Wenbo. Study on Hydraulic Fracturing Mechanisms of Rock Landslides[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 53(7): 147-156. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22032813
Citation: ZHANG Han, YIN Chao, WANG Zhanghua, ZHAO Xingkui, WANG Shaoping, TIAN Wenbo. Study on Hydraulic Fracturing Mechanisms of Rock Landslides[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2023, 53(7): 147-156. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22032813

Study on Hydraulic Fracturing Mechanisms of Rock Landslides

doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22032813
  • Received Date: 2022-03-28
  • Hydraulic fracturing can cause instability and failure of rock masses, which is an important reason for inducing rock landslide. The failure process of rock masses caused by hydraulic fracturing was tested with cement mortar specimens and simulated by ABAQUS Software to reveal the hydraulic fracturing mechanism. Taking a rock slope in Letuan-Qingshiguan section of the national road G205 as an example, the landslide occurrence under high groundwater pressure was studied by numerical simulations, and the whole process of slope instability and failure reappeared. The results indicated that when the hydraulic fracturing occured, the water pressure on the fracture plane decreaseed rapidly but cracks were not through the plane, and there was still a little of residual strength for specimens. Combined with numerical simulations, it was confirmed that the hydraulic fracturing of rock masses was quasi-brittle failure, which included static stage, micro-crack propagation stage and macro-crack formation stage. There were three dangerous rock masses in the simulated rock slope, in which WYT3 was unstable in rainstorm and earthquake conditions. The crack developed in three stages under high water head pressure including slow developing, rapid developing, and propagating through stages. The slow development stage lasted longest, and the slope was unstable after the crack propagated through.
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