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FAN Jianhong, LIANG Zhaohong, LUO Siyao. Research on Spatial-Temporal Evolution and Influencing Mechanism of Rural Landscape from the Perspective of Production-Living-Ecological Function: Taking the North Seven Rural Area of Xingtan in Shunde[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2022, 52(5): 24-33. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22011509
Citation: FAN Jianhong, LIANG Zhaohong, LUO Siyao. Research on Spatial-Temporal Evolution and Influencing Mechanism of Rural Landscape from the Perspective of Production-Living-Ecological Function: Taking the North Seven Rural Area of Xingtan in Shunde[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2022, 52(5): 24-33. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22011509

Research on Spatial-Temporal Evolution and Influencing Mechanism of Rural Landscape from the Perspective of Production-Living-Ecological Function: Taking the North Seven Rural Area of Xingtan in Shunde

doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22011509
  • Received Date: 2022-01-15
    Available Online: 2022-07-23
  • Publish Date: 2022-07-23
  • Rural landscape is an ecological complex composed of natural environment,cultural landscape and its social structure,it is of great significance to maintain the regional landscape and man-land relationship.Through introducing the theory of "production-living-ecological" function,the spatial analysis of ArcGIS was used to analyze the relationship between the conversion of land use type,the conversion of "production-living-ecological" function of space and the spatial-temporal evolution of rural landscape in the North Seven Rural Area of Xingtan in Shunde from 1988 to 2018 firstly.The results showed that the rural landscape in the study area has experienced three stages from slow change,sharp change to gentle change and experienced the structural transformation from "rural settlement patches, river channel corridor and dike-pond matrix" to "rural settlement and industrial patches, river channel, and road corridor-dike-pond matrix".Finally, the paper proposed the strategies for optimizing rural landscape based on the regional spatial-temporal process of urban and rural areas,total elements of landscape process and reform for promoting ecological progress, which could provide theoretical and practical references for the protection and development of rural traditional regional culture under the rural transformation.
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