Industrial buildings often generate a lot of waste heat and noxious gases in the operation process. Good ventilation can dissipate the outdoor pollutants in the industrial building clusters and thereby improve the working environment and adjust local micro-climate. Optimizing the outdoor wind environment for industrial building clusters at the design phrase can effectively improve the ventilation effect of the built environment. This research broke down the simulation procedure for wind environment in industrial building clusters, and used digital technology to build up simulation modules. The new simulation method would automatically run the repeated steps in the numerical modeling. It also established a numerical simulation method that could efficiently compare different design options using evaluation factors such as comfortable wind zone ratio, calm wind zone ratio and so on. Based on the case study of a packaging materials plant, the outdoor wind environment of the factory was analyzed by numerical simulation in the design stage, and the distance between each partition of the finishing workshop was optimized. It was found that, based on the on-site measurement, the wind speed in the industrial building clusters would meet the requirements for outdoor wind environment.
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