Li Yi, Zhao Wen, Yan Yunqi. METHOD OF CONTINUAL ANALYSIS FOR SYSTEM RELIABILITY[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2005, 35(10): 26-28,39. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200510009
ZHANG Yueguo, ZHAO Zhigang, YIN Zhan, CHE Xiangdong, ZHU Bin, WANG Zhili, LYU Anan. Research on Shear Resistance of Truss Connector of Precast Concrete Sandwich Insulation Wall[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2022, 52(1): 74-78,46. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG20041303
Li Yi, Zhao Wen, Yan Yunqi. METHOD OF CONTINUAL ANALYSIS FOR SYSTEM RELIABILITY[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2005, 35(10): 26-28,39. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200510009
ZHANG Yueguo, ZHAO Zhigang, YIN Zhan, CHE Xiangdong, ZHU Bin, WANG Zhili, LYU Anan. Research on Shear Resistance of Truss Connector of Precast Concrete Sandwich Insulation Wall[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2022, 52(1): 74-78,46. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG20041303
Truss connector is an important component to connect the inner and outer leaves of concrete sandwich wall panels. In order to study the shear resistance of truss connector, two groups of 4 shear specimens with different insulation thickness were tested and analyzed by finite element method. The test results indicated that the failure modes of truss connector of sandwich wall under the action of shear force were that the tensioned web members were ruptured or pulled out after the compression buckling. Based on the test, the shear resistance of the truss connection of the wall was analyzed with variable parameters, such as the diameter of the truss web member, the distance between joints, and the thickness of the insulation layer were mainly taken into account, the simulation results showed that the yield and ultimate bearing capacity of sandwich wall increased with the increase of the diameter of web member, and increase with the decrease of joint spacing, the shear yield capacity of wall increased with the decrease of the thickness of insulation layer, but the correlation between the ultimate load and the thickness of insulation layer was not obvious due to the high-pressure shrinkage of insulation board.
KAZEM H,BUNN W G,SELIEM H M,et al.Durability and long term behavior of FRP/foam shear transfer mechanism for concrete sandwich panels[J].Construction and Building Materials,2015,98:722-734.
EKENEL M.Testing and acceptance criteria for fiber-reinforced composite grid connectors used in concrete sandwich panels[J].Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,2014,26(5):1-5.
Li Yi, Zhao Wen, Yan Yunqi. METHOD OF CONTINUAL ANALYSIS FOR SYSTEM RELIABILITY[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2005, 35(10): 26-28,39. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200510009
Li Yi, Zhao Wen, Yan Yunqi. METHOD OF CONTINUAL ANALYSIS FOR SYSTEM RELIABILITY[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2005, 35(10): 26-28,39. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200510009