By using the finite element software of Plaxis,the geosynthetic-reinforced and pile-supported earth platform resting on oversized deep soft soil in Chaoshan Railway Station of Xiamen-Shenzhen High Speed Railway was simulated.The settlement of subgrade,variation of earth pressure,and tensile force distribution of geogrid and so on were investigated.The results showed that the varying law of layers settlement with fill height appeared to be intermittent,and the settlement mainly occured in the underlying stratum; the earth pressure changed gradually and rectified its value throughout the entire construction period; the axial ultimate force of the piles occured on the top of the muddy clay layer in the vertical direction,and the moment and shear of pile body increased from the subgrade center outside in the horizontal direction; the maximum tension of geogrid occured at the edge of caps and the settings of caps contributed to balance the tension in geogrid to avoid stress concentration; the excess pore water pressure increased with increased fill height,which indicated that the upper loads could be effectively transferred from pile body to deep stratum,thus controlling foundation settlement well.
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