Liu Hongyan, Wang Yuanyuan, Qin Siqing. SIMULATION OF SEEPAGE FIELD IN EXCAVATION SLOPE DURING RAINFALL[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2007, 37(10): 50-53,72. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200710014
Liu Pengfei, Zhao Qilin, Jiang Kebin, Gao Hesheng. THEORETIC RESEARCH ON FRICTION LOSS OF PRE-STRESS IN LARGE-SPAN CONCRETE BRIDGE[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2011, 41(10): 64-67. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz201110016
Liu Hongyan, Wang Yuanyuan, Qin Siqing. SIMULATION OF SEEPAGE FIELD IN EXCAVATION SLOPE DURING RAINFALL[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2007, 37(10): 50-53,72. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200710014
Liu Pengfei, Zhao Qilin, Jiang Kebin, Gao Hesheng. THEORETIC RESEARCH ON FRICTION LOSS OF PRE-STRESS IN LARGE-SPAN CONCRETE BRIDGE[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2011, 41(10): 64-67. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz201110016
It has been found that the actual pre-stress effect is hard to reach its expected theoretic value during thetension process in many large-span bridges. It can be explained in a large part by the excess friction loss of pre-stressby the statistical analysis of the measured results of the friction loss of numerous bridges. Based on current calculationmodel for friction loss, the analysis of the theoretic value and the measured results shows that the non-linearrelationship between friction loss and cable length, the ignorance of plane-bending angle in calculation and the effectof stress state are the main reasons for the smaller theoretic value regularly as compared with the measured results.Finally some suggestions are made to improve the calculation of friction loss.
Liu Hongyan, Wang Yuanyuan, Qin Siqing. SIMULATION OF SEEPAGE FIELD IN EXCAVATION SLOPE DURING RAINFALL[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2007, 37(10): 50-53,72. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200710014
Liu Hongyan, Wang Yuanyuan, Qin Siqing. SIMULATION OF SEEPAGE FIELD IN EXCAVATION SLOPE DURING RAINFALL[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2007, 37(10): 50-53,72. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200710014