Zai Jinmin, Zhou Feng, Mei Guoxiong, Wang Xudong, Pei Jie, Liao Heshan. END-BEARING COMPOSITE PILE FOUNDATION AND ITS DESIGN METHOD[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2008, 38(1): 60-64,73. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200801015
Yang Tao, Zhou Depei, Feng Jun. A DETERMINISTIC COMPUTATIONAL MODEL OF THE ANTI -SLIDE PILES[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2007, 37(9): 84-88. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200709019
Zai Jinmin, Zhou Feng, Mei Guoxiong, Wang Xudong, Pei Jie, Liao Heshan. END-BEARING COMPOSITE PILE FOUNDATION AND ITS DESIGN METHOD[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2008, 38(1): 60-64,73. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200801015
Yang Tao, Zhou Depei, Feng Jun. A DETERMINISTIC COMPUTATIONAL MODEL OF THE ANTI -SLIDE PILES[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2007, 37(9): 84-88. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz200709019
In present computational model of the ant-i slide pile, the anchoring segment is assumed as elastic foundationbeam, and the quantitative of the landslide thrust can be calculated. So, these two computational conditions aredeterministic. But the distributions of landslide thrust on ant-i slide pile are approximately determined to be in shapes oftriangle, rectangle, or echelon, solely based on rock characters of the gliding mass. In this article, a new method isproposed to improve the calculation of distributionforms according to stability of the gliding mass sliding through the specifiedshear opening. It is assumed that the potential slide surface is composedof a part of the original slide surface and a circularsurface through the specified shear opening. If this safety factor of the specified shear opening is less than the design one,then the landslide thrust of the corresponding slide surface is calculated. The shear openings are specified at the pile fromtop to bottom by a certain interval. By this method, the landslide thrust at many points of the pile can be calculated. Theincrement of landslide thrust of the section between two adjacent shear openings can be obtainedby comparing the landslidethrust of adjacent shear openings. So, the distribution forms of landslide thrust of the pile from top to bottom can bedetermined. As far as the sliding mass forward the pile, it can supply resistance force only when its safety factor is biggerthan the design one, and its distribution law can be calculated by the same method as that of the landslide thrust. Based onall the calculation, a deterministic computational model of the ant-i slide pile can be established.
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