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LIU Zongquan, YUE Qingrui, LI Rong. A STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW OF FIRE RESISTANCE OF RC BEAMS STRENGTHENED BY FRP[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 50(12): 102-111. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz20041001
Citation: LIU Zongquan, YUE Qingrui, LI Rong. A STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW OF FIRE RESISTANCE OF RC BEAMS STRENGTHENED BY FRP[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 50(12): 102-111. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz20041001


doi: 10.13204/j.gyjz20041001
  • Received Date: 2020-04-10
    Available Online: 2021-03-31
  • The technology of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthened reinforced concrete structures has many advantages compared to the traditional strengthening technology, and it has been widely used in many practical engineering in recent years. The strengthening method mainly consists of externally bonded FRP sheets, near-surface mounted FRP bars and FRP grids strengthening. When FRP is used for strengthening buildings, it must meet the requirements of fire resistance standard of buildings. Thus understanding the fire resistance of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with FRP is an important precondition for using this technology into structural strengthening of buildings. This paper presented a state-of-the-art review on the relevant research results at home and abroad, which includes the basic mechanical properties of FRP at high temperature, the bond performance of FRP to concrete at high temperature, the fire tests of FRP strengthened RC beams, the finite element simulation of fire performance of FRP strengthened RC beams, the residual strength of FRP strengthened RC beams, and the fire resistance design of FRP strengthened RC beams. The fire resistance of RC beams strengthened by FRP was systematically illustrated.
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