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Volume 52 Issue 11
Nov.  2022
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WANG Lei, WANG Bo, LIU Zhiqiang, CHANG Xinhao. Advances of Soil Cemented by Enzyme Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2022, 52(11): 57-66. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22061503
Citation: WANG Lei, WANG Bo, LIU Zhiqiang, CHANG Xinhao. Advances of Soil Cemented by Enzyme Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation[J]. INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION, 2022, 52(11): 57-66. doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22061503

Advances of Soil Cemented by Enzyme Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation

doi: 10.13204/j.gyjzG22061503
  • Received Date: 2022-06-15
  • Enzyme induced calcium carbonate precipitation (EICP) is a green and environment-friendly new soil improvement technology in geotechnical engineering. Compared with microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) which has been widely concerned at present, EICP is applicable to a wider range of sand particle sizes and does not need a complex sterile culture process, and the problem of microbial ecological safety is avoided in practical application. On the basis of literature induction and sorting, the research achievements on the cementitious mechanism of enzyme induced calcium carbonate precipitation and the influencing factors (enzyme properties, cementing fluid properties, curing methods, environmental factors) were systematically described. The existing problems and further research directions in development of the enzyme induced calcium carbonate precipitation technique were discussed.
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