Seismic Performance Analysis of Full-Frame-Supported Thick Slab Transfer Plate Structure with Skewed Grids Design Above Metro Depot
摘要: 厚板转换层允许盖体上下采用非共轴线的设计, 具有充分发挥盖上建筑空间的优势,在工程中得到了广泛关注。但该结构体系应用时间短,缺乏针对非共轴线结构的抗震性能分析。因此以某地铁车辆段带厚板转换层的住宅楼为研究对象,该项目采用非共轴线的设计而导致厚板转换层传力机制复杂。设计实施了1/40比例尺的模拟地震振动台试验,研究了该结构在7度多遇至8度罕遇地震的动力特性及其响应情况。同时为进一步验证试验的准确性,对该原型结构进行了数值模拟分析。结果表明:加载至7度罕遇地震后,结构各项动力指标均在安全限值以内,整体抗震性能良好;加载至8度罕遇地震时,模型1阶自振频率衰减了27.93%,此时结构出现部分损伤,主要分布在上部塔楼,而厚板转换层作为关键构件整体无损坏,这符合全框支厚板转换结构预期的"强厚板转换层弱塔楼"的屈服破坏机制。Abstract: The full-frame thick slab transfer plate structure enables a skewed grids design between superstructure and substructure, maximizing the architectural potential of the space above and gaining significant attention in engineering. However, its application is recent, and seismic performance analysis for skewed grids designs is lacking. This study investigates a residential building with a thick slab transfer plate structure above metro depot. Due to the complex force transfer mechanism, a 1/40 scale seismic shaking table test was conducted to study the dynamic characteristics and responses under 7 to 8-degree seismic conditions. Numerical simulations were also performed to verify the test results. Findings indicate that after a 7-degree rare earthquake, all dynamic indicators remained within safe limits, showing good seismic performance. Under an 8-degree rare earthquake, the first natural frequency decreased by 27.93%, causing some damage mainly in the upper tower, while the thick slab transfer plate structure remained undamaged. This aligns with the expected "strong transfer floor, weak tower" failure mechanism.
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