Pre-Set Deformation Technology of Long-Span Cantilevered Truss Construction in High Altitude
摘要: 大型复杂钢结构成型态(形态与力态)一直是施工重点关注的问题。复杂结构施工成型态通常与设计态存在偏差,为了保证形态和力态满足设计和安全要求,需要对结构施工过程形态与力态进行分析与控制。基于深圳自贸中心项目长悬挑桁架,考虑了结构分步施工加载、楼板混凝土浇筑的液态荷载渐变硬化等因素的影响,重点研究了变形预调值的计算与收敛性,分析了经过变形预调后结构位移和应力状态,评估了施工过程的安全性并提出合理的施工建议。结果表明:不同楼层混凝土浇筑刚度形成过程对变形预调值计算与应力变化的影响不可忽略;悬挑桁架结构预调值正装迭代计算收敛性明显,一次迭代可满足计算精度要求;混凝土楼板端部若与主体结构直接浇筑在一起,其边界约束较强,会在后续加载过程中造成其应力超限,可通过设置后浇带释放应力。Abstract: The formation of large and complex steel structures, including their geometric configuration and force state, has consistently been a key focus in construction, for large and complex steel structures have always been the key concerns during construction. There is usually a deviation in displacement and force distribution between constructional completed state and structural design state for large and complex steel structures. In order to realize the difference of completed construction and design in structural deformed and force states and ensure structural safety requirements, it is necessary to analyze and control them during construction. Based on the long-span cantilevered trusses of Shenzhen Free Trade Center project, the paper investigated the structural displacements and stress variations during construction by taking into account step-by-step loading and hardening of fluid concrete during pouring, especialy in the calculation and convergence of pre-set deformation values. The safety of the construction process was evaluated and the reasonable construction suggestions were put forward. The results highlighted the significant impact of the concrete hardening process on the pre-set deformation values and stresses, emphasizing that this factor could not be overlooked. The excellent convergence of the forward installation iteration on the pre-set deformation values of the cantilevered truss could ensure the accuracy of the results in the first iteration. The end of the concrete floor slab, if poured directly with the main structure, was constrained rigidly, which results in excessive stress under loads. To solve this problem, pour strips could be used for releasing stress.
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