Mechanical Properties of Chopped Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Cement-Based Composites
摘要: 为研究短切玄武岩纤维增强水泥基复合材料的力学性能,设计并完成了84个抗压试件,72个抗折试件以及140个抗拉试件的基础性能试验,研究了水灰比、纤维掺量、纤维长度以及表面耐碱涂层处理对短切玄武岩纤维增强水泥基复合材料基础力学性能的影响。结果表明:短切玄武岩纤维掺入可以有效提升水泥基复合材料韧性,将抗折和抗拉下的脆性断裂破坏改善为延性裂纹扩展破坏。复合材料抗压强度随短切玄武岩纤维掺量增大和长度降低而降低,纤维长度12 mm且体积掺量2%的试验组28 d抗压强度下降了28.8%;此外短切玄武岩纤维掺入可以显著提升水泥基复合材料的抗折强度以及抗拉强度,纤维长度较小时低掺量对复合材料抗折强度和抗拉强度提升更显著,纤维长度较大时则高掺量更显著,掺入2%体积掺量的12 mm纤维和0.5%体积掺量的6 mm纤维的28 d复合材料抗折强度分别提升了97.6%和41.4%、抗拉强度分别提升了200.7%和230%。Abstract: To study the mechanical properties of chopped basalt fiber-reinforced cement-based composites, 84 compressive specimens, 72 flexural specimens and 140 tensile specimens were designed and tested. The effects of water-cement ratio, fiber content, fiber length and surface alkali resistant coating treatment on the basic mechanical properties of chopped basalt fiber-reinforced cement-based composites were studied. The results showed that the addition of chopped basalt fibers could effectively improve the compressive, flexural and tensile failure modes of cement-based composites. The compressive strength of the composite decreased with the increase of the content of chopped basalt fibers and the decrease of fiber length. The 28 d compressive strength of the experimental group with the fiber length of 12 mm and the volume content of 2% decreased by 28.8%. In addition, the inclusion of chopped basalt fibers could significantly improve the flexural strength and tensile strength of cement-based composites. When the fiber length was small, the low content had a more significant effect on the flexural strength and tensile strength of the composites, and when the fiber length was large, the high content was more significant. The flexural strength and tensile strength of 28 d composites with 2% volume content of 12 mm fibers and 0.5% volume content of 6 mm fibers increased by 97.6% and 41.4%, respectively, and the tensile strength increased by 200.7% and 230%, respectively.
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