Analysis of Shock Wave Propagation Rules and Structural Damage in Blast Resistant Chamber Under Large Explosive Loads
摘要: 通过LS-DYNA有限元模拟软件对抗爆间室在超过100 kg TNT当量爆炸下的冲击波传播规律和结构损伤进行了研究。分析了水平和竖直截面的空气压力分布及超压峰值变化,探讨了冲击波的传播规律,并研究了不同参数对抗爆间室破坏模式的影响。提出基于支座转角的三个损伤指标:λ(顶盖弯曲弦长与顶盖长度之比)、η(墙板脱落面积与表面积之比)、μ(顶盖弯曲曲率半径与半跨之比)评估损伤程度。结果表明:后墙区域峰值超压远大于泄爆面区域;增加墙板厚度和混凝土强度可将破坏模式由剪切破坏转为弯曲破坏,配筋率和钢筋屈服强度对破坏模式影响不大,但可增强抗剪和抗弯能力。设计建议包括墙板厚度不小于300 mm,混凝土强度为C30~C40,钢筋屈服强度为235~400 MPa。根据损伤结果,抗爆间室内的试验台位置应满足"位于抗爆间室泄爆面与中间面之间的区域"这一构造要求。Abstract: Through LS-DYNA finite element simulation software, the shock wave propagation law and structural damage of the blast-resistant chamber subjected to the explosions exceeding 100 kg TNT equivalent were studied. The air pressure distribution and peak overpressure variation across horizontal and vertical sections were analyzed, the propagation law of shock wave was discussed, and the influence of different parameters on the failure mode of blast-resistant chamber was studied. Three damage indexes based on the bearing angle were proposed: λ (the ratio of the upward bending chord length to the top cover length), η (the ratio of the spalling area of the wall panel to the surface area), μ (the ratio of the bending radius of the top cover to the half span) to evaluate the damage degree. The results showed that the peak overpressure near the rear wall area was significantly higher than that of the explosion venting surface. Increasing the thickness of wallboard and concrete strength could change the failure mode from shear failure to flexural failure, while variations in reinforcement ratio and steel yield strength had minimal impact on the failure mode but enhance shear and flexural capacity. Design recommendations include a minimum wall thickness of 300 mm, concrete strength ranging from C30 to C40, and steel yield strength between 235 MPa and 400 MPa. Based on the damage results, the location of the test stand within the chamber should meet the structural requirement of being positioned between the venting surface and the mid-plane of the chamber.
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