Research on the Path of Embedding Classical Garden Translation Techniques into Modern Public Display Areas
摘要: 古典园林作为一种传递信息的介质语言,能够实现人与人之间的信息交流。以语言学概念为理论基础,将莫里斯语言符号学理论应用到古典园林转译体系中,将古典园林设计语言分为"语用" "语义" "语构"三部分,以语言的角度分析中国古典园林转译手法在现代公共展示区中的运用,从空间布局、园林意象、造园情感等方面出发,对空间转译手法、形象转译手法、形式转译手法以及情感转译手法的嵌入路径进行详细分析,明确设计流程,建立了完整的古典园林设计语言转译体系。在此基础上,结合实际案例进行转译体系的实证研究,获得了较高质量的设计结果,为现代公共展示区的景观设计提供参考。Abstract: Classical gardens, as a kind of medium language for transferring information, can realize the information exchange between people. Taking the concept of linguistics as the theoretical basis, applying Morris’s theory of linguistic semiotics to the classical garden translation system, the classical garden design language was divided into three parts, namely, "pragmatics" "semantics" and "syntax", and the use of classical Chinese garden translation techniques in modern public display areas was analyzed from the perspective of language, and the embedded paths of spatial translation techniques, image translation techniques, formal translation techniques and emotional translation techniques were analyzed in detail from the aspects of spatial layout, garden images and gardening emotions, so as to make clear the design process, and to establish the complete classical garden design language translation system. On this basis, the empirical study of the translation system was carried out in combination with actual cases, obtaining high-quality design results, so as to provide a reference for the landscape design of modern public display areas.
Key words:
- classical gardens /
- public display area /
- landscape language /
- translation path
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