Research on Heritage Protection and Renewal Design of Old Industrial Cities Based on Catalyst Theory:A Case Study on Baotou Sugar Factory in Inner Mongolia
摘要: 探索基于"触媒"理论的工业遗产保护更新的设计改造路径,激活老工业城市工业废弃地的空间设计策略。分析工业遗产现状,确立触媒理论介入工业遗产更新设计方法中的积极性与可行性。以包头糖厂为例,进行"触媒"元素价值评估并筛选要素,激活功能空间和文化要素的设计,探索"触媒式"工业遗产空间活化。以触媒前期准备、触媒要素筛选与激活、引导触媒反应,三段式为设计策略,通过空间组织、环境系统设计、事件活动等设计策略,对工业遗产的存量空间进行有机更新,使工业文化得到可持续发展,为老工业城市工业片区的活化提供新的思路和研究方法。Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to explore the design and transformation path of industrial heritage protection and renewal based on the "catalyst" theory, and to activate the spatial design strategy of industrial wasteland in old industrial cities. The paper analyzed the current situation of industrial heritage and established the enthusiasm and feasibility of catalyst theory in the design method of industrial heritage renewal. Taking Baotou Sugar Factory as an example, the value of "catalyst" elements was evaluated and screened out, the design of functional space and cultural elements was activated, and the activation of "catalyst style" industrial heritage space was explored. Based on the three-stage design strategy of catalyst preparation, catalyst element screening and activation, and catalyst reaction guidance, the paper adopted design strategies such as spatial organization, environmental system design, and event activities, the inventory space of industrial heritage was organically updated, enabling sustainable development of industrial culture and providing new ideas and research methods for the activation of industrial areas in old industrial cities.
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