Structural Analysis and Whole-Process Simulation of Ultra-Large ConcreteGravity-Based Structure in Arctic Ocean
摘要: 极地油气资源非常丰富,具有很大的开发潜力。重力式混凝土平台具有集成程度高、耐久性能优异等优点,在极地油气资源开采中具有广阔的应用前景。文章以北极某油气开采项目为背景,给出了该类型重力式混凝土平台冰荷载、风荷载、波浪荷载、海流荷载、基底反力以及温度荷载的计算方法。针对重力式混凝土平台的荷载工况组合,介绍了包括中国船级社(CCS)、国际标准化组织(ISO)、挪威船级社(DNV)、美国石油协会(API)以及欧盟(EN)在内的多国组织行业规范对荷载种类选取的要求,明确了本项目应采用的荷载工况组合。针对重力式混凝土平台在拖航、安装和在位服役阶段的全过程受力情况进行了有限元模拟,验证了平台结构在三个阶段的可靠性。Abstract: Oil and gas energy is abundant in Arctic region, which has a great exploitation potential. Concrete gravity-based structures have a board future to be installed in the ocean due to its advantages of high degree of integration and exceptional durability. The calculation methods for ice load, wind load, wave load, ocean current load, foundation reaction, and temperature load were provided in the study based on an oil and gas exploration project in the Arctic region. For the load combinations of gravity-based platforms, standards in China Classification Society (CCS), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Det Norske Veritas (DNV), American Petroleum Institute (API) and European Union (EN) were introduced to select load types. Then the load combination of the project was defined. Besides, the whole-process structural analysis for towage, installation, and on-site service was carried out by finite element method, verifying the reliability of the platform.
Key words:
- Arctic /
- gravity based platform /
- load calculation /
- load combination /
- finite element method
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