Experimental Research on Seismic Performance of Prefabricated CFST Composite Column-Reinforced Concrete Beam Joints
摘要: 为研究城市地下空间结构装配式节点的抗震性能,设计制作了一种新型装配式钢管混凝土叠合柱-钢筋混凝土梁节点,并与既有的现浇钢管混凝土叠合柱-钢筋混凝土梁节点进行对比,开展两种节点的低周往复荷载试验,对两种节点的滞回曲线、骨架曲线、刚度退化曲线、耗能能力、延性系数等指标进行对比分析。结果表明,两种节点都为梁端塑性铰区弯曲破坏,装配节点的极限位移比现浇节点的极限位移提高了47.6%,但两者极限承载力相差不大。最终试件破坏时的刚度为初始刚度的10%左右,试件发生了较大非线性变形以及损伤。现浇节点和装配节点的最终累计总耗能分别为35.69、58.77 kN·m,装配节点最终累计总耗能大于现浇节点,为现浇节点的1.65倍;装配节点的屈服位移和极限位移比现浇节点的屈服位移和极限位移分别提高了30.68%和32.47%,两种节点屈服荷载和极限荷载相差不大,装配节点的延性系数略大于现浇节点,装配节点的延性优于现浇节点。Abstract: In order to study the seismic performance of prefabricated joints in underground space structures, a new type of prefabricated CFST composite column-reinforced concrete beam joint was designed and fabricated and compared with the cast-in-place CFST composite column-reinforced concrete beam joint. Quasi-static load tests were conducted on two types of joints. The hysteresis curves, skeleton scurves, stiffness degradation curves, energy dissipation capacity, ductility, and other indicators of the two types of joints were compared and analyzed. The results showed that both types of joints were subjected to bending failure in the plastic hinge area of the beam end and the ultimate displacement of the assembled joint was 47.6% higher than that of the cast-in-place joint, but the difference in ultimate bearing capacity between the two joints was not significant. The stiffness of the final joints was reached failure by about 10% of the initial stiffness, and the joints underwent significant nonlinear deformation and damage. The final cumulative total energy consumption of cast-in-place and prefabricated joints reached 35.69 kN·m and 58.77 kN·m, respectively. The prefabricated joint was greater than that of the cast-in-place joint, which was 1.65 times the cast-in-place joint. The yield and ultimate displacement of the prefabricated joint had increased by 30.68% and 32.47% respectively compared with the cast-in-place joint. The difference in yield and ultimate load between the two types of joints was not significant, and the ductility coefficients of prefabricated joints was slightly higher than cast-in-place joints. The ductility of the prefabricated joint was better than the cast-in-place joint.
Key words:
- prefabricated /
- CFST composite column /
- reinforced concrete beam /
- joint /
- seismic performance
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