Research on Styles and Design Motivations of Architectural Heritage of Railway Stations in Japan
摘要: 火车站建筑遗产是近代工业遗产的重要组成部分,是研究近代建筑发展史、工业发展史、铁路建设发展史重要的实物证据。日本与我国近代工业发展史具有一定的相似之处,且日本的铁路发展对中国东北地区有一定影响,对研究中国铁路发展史具有重要的参考价值。本研究以日本火车站建筑遗产为研究对象,梳理了日本铁路及火车站建筑遗产的历史发展脉络,收集和整理了日本所有火车站建筑遗产的基本信息,考察了各个火车站建筑遗产的样式特征,结合日本建筑思潮的发展脉络以及火车站建筑遗产建成时的文化、科技、经济等社会要素,分析和研究了各种样式的火车站建筑遗产的设计动因,其成果有利于加强中日两国铁路工业遗产保护和再生方面的研究。Abstract: The architectural heritage of railway stations is an important part of modern industrial heritage, and it is an important physical evidence to study the development history of modern architecture, industry and railway construction. There are some similarities in the history of modern industrial development between Japan and China, and the railway development of Japan has a certain influence on northeast China, which has important reference value for the study of the railway development history of China. This study took the architectural heritage of railway stations in Japan as the research object, sorted out the historical development context of the architectural heritage of railways and railway stations in Japan, collected and sorted out the basic information of all architectural heritage of railway stations in Japan, and investigated the style characteristics of each architectural heritage of railway stations. Based on the development of Japanese architectural thought and the cultural, technological, economic and other social factors when architectural heritage of railway stations were built, the paper analyzed and studied the design motivations of various types of architectural heritage of railway stations. The results are conducive to strengthening the research on the protection and regeneration of railway industrial heritage in China and Japan.
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