Investigations and Treatment on Deformation of a Large Slope in a Karst Region
摘要: 岩溶地质边坡治理是工程建设中不可避免的问题。以存在岩溶地质的深圳某边坡建设为例,从案例背景、诱发边坡失稳的潜在因素、工程实测数据、抢险及加固方案方面,介绍了对该大型边坡项目的调查和治理方案:1)边坡监测、预警和紧急治理措施;2)区域水文地质条件特性对边坡失稳的潜在影响;3)基于长期监测数据,对桩锚支护结构协同受力变形特性的分析;最后介绍了"袖阀管注浆+深层泄水孔排水+抗滑桩+支撑梁支撑加固施工"在边坡分段加固的组合应用。Abstract: Slope treatment is an inevitable problem in engineering construction in karst regions. Take a large slope project on the karst stratum in Shenzhen as an example, the investigation and treatment measures for the large slope were introduced from the engineering background, potential factors of slope instability, monitored data of the project, rescue and reinforcement, which involved that:1) the monitoring and warning of the slope, and emergency treatment measures; 2) potential effects of the hydrogeological condition characteristics of the region on slope instability;3) the analysis for force-deformation characteristics of pile-anchor support structure based on long-term monitoring data. Eventually, the application of "grouting with sleeve valve pipes combined deep drainage with deep drainage holes,anti-slip piles,and retaining system reinforcement with supporting beams" in the slope reinforcement was introduced.
Key words:
- karst regions /
- treatment on slopes /
- pile-anchor retaining structure /
- anti-slip piles
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