Influence of Residual Settlement in Goafs on Stability of Deeply Excavated Slopes
摘要: 采空区残余沉降对高速公路的稳定性会有很大的影响,为分析高速公路下采空区残余沉降对高陡边坡稳定性的影响,设计了多组试验方案,对高陡边坡的稳定性进行分析。通过完成深挖边坡稳定性优化研究,得出坡角是影响边坡稳定性的主要因素,其次为坡高、岩体的内摩擦角、黏聚力和岩体的重度。以实际工程为例分别得出了黏聚力、内摩擦角与边坡安全系数的关系式以及同时减小黏聚力、内摩擦角时边坡安全系数的计算式。结果证明:采空区残余沉降严重影响深挖边坡的稳定性。残余沉降等效模拟可为采空区残余沉降对边坡稳定性的影响评定提供参考。Abstract: The residual settlement in goafs has a great influence on the stability of expressways. To analyze the influence of residual settlement in goafs under expressways on the stability of high and steep slopes, several test schemes were designed and stabillty analysis of high and steep slopes was performed. By the optimization study for the stability of deeply excavated slopes, it was concluded that the slope angle was the main factor affecting the stability of slopes, followed by the slope height, the internal friction angle and cohesion of rock masses, and the gravity densities of rock masses. The relational formulas between cohesion and slope safety factors, internal friction angle and slope safety factors were obtained, and the safety factor formula of slopes in simultaneous reduction of cohesion and internal friction angle was also obtained. The result showed that the residual settlement in goafs seriously affected the stability of deeply excavated slopes. The equivalent simulations of residual settlement could provide reference to influence evaluation of residual settlement on stability of deeply excavated slopes in goafs.
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