Research on Spatial Organization Patterns of Traditional Villages Based on Demand Orientation
摘要: 随着传统村落旅游转型与游客增加,村落空间形态与功能面临着保护、调整与演变。选取徽州地区传统村落展开实地调研,把握村落空间中因素组织情况,同时分析空间中游客行为反馈特征,进而归纳游客行为需求导向下村落空间的组织模式与设计策略。分析表明,适应不同活动的空间因素及组织模式存在差异,不同的行为需求导向下,空间组织方式可以归纳为: 1)空间因素直接关联的组织模式; 2)围绕必要条件的组织模式; 3)复合功能导向的组织模式。基于当地既有空间因素的组织模式,有助于需求导向的空间调整,空间形态的维持,以及村落空间设计营造相关理论与实践策略的完善。Abstract: Along with the transformation of tourism and the increase of tourists in traditional villages, the spatial forms and functions are confronted with protection, adjustment and evolution. This study summarized the organizational patterns and design strategies within tourists' behavior demand-oriented Huizhou villages by analyzing organization characteristics of villages’ spatial factors and tourists' behavioral needs.The analysis showed that there were differences in spatial factors and organizational patterns for different activities. Under the guidance of different behavioral needs, the organization of space could be summarized as follows: 1) organizational pattern with direct correlation of space factors; 2) organizational pattern with necessary conditions; 3) organization pattern with compound function orientation. Local existing spatial factors were combined to form a variety of spatial patterns, which could promote the demand-oriented spatial adaptation, the maintenance of spatial forms, and the improvement of theories and practical strategies related to village spatial design and construction.
Key words:
- traditional village /
- spatial factors /
- demand orientation /
- behavior density /
- organization pattern
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