Research on the Design Method of Compressive Bearing Capacity of Y-Type Cast Steel Joints
摘要: 推导出了Y型铸钢节点在轴心受压和小偏心受压作用下的抗压设计承载力公式,并采用试验结果对提出的抗压设计承载力公式进行了验证。节点的抗压设计承载力公式推导过程分为以下三个步骤: 1)推导节点简化模型的极限承载力公式。对原节点进行简化,参考空心球的力学模型和承载力公式的形式,对有限元分析结果进行线性回归,得到轴心压力、弯矩及偏心压力作用下简化模型的极限承载力公式; 2)推导节点数值模型的设计承载力公式。根据节点数值模型几何参数的重要性分析结果和有限元分析结果,在简化模型的基础上,推导出轴心受压和小偏心受压的数值模型的抗压极限承载力公式,并根据CECS 235︰ 2008《铸钢节点应用技术规程》简称《规程》规定进行折减后,得到抗压设计承载力公式; 3)验证小偏心受压节点的抗压设计承载力公式。根据节点的足尺试验结果对小偏心受压节点的抗压设计承载力公式进行验证,并与《规程》中的设计承载力公式对比。
- Y型铸钢节点 /
- 小偏心受压 /
- LASSO正则化方法 /
- 蒙特卡罗模拟 /
- 设计承载力公式
Abstract: The compressive design bearing capacity formula (CDBCF) for Y-type cast steel joints under axial and small eccentric compression was derived, in addition, the CDBCF was verified by the experimental data of the full-scale experiment. The derivation process could be summarized as the following three steps: 1) the ultimate bearing capacity formula (UBCF) of the simplified model of the joint was derived. The original joint was simplified to a mechanical model whose format of the bearing capacity formula could refer to that of the welded hollow spherical joint. Adopting the format of bearing capacity formula, a regression analysis was conducted based on the results of finite element analysis, to derive the UBCF of the simplified model that was under axial compression, bending moment and eccentric compression; 2) the CDBCF of the numerical model of the joint was derived. According to the results of the importance analysis of the geometric parameters and the results of finite element analysis, and based on the UBCF of the simplified model, the CDBCF of the numerical model was derived for the numerical model that was under axial and small eccentric compression. By modifying the CDBCF of the numerical model in accordance with the requirements in Technical Specification for Application of Connections of Structural Steel Casting(CECS 235:2008), the final CDBCF for the Y-type cast steel joint was obtained; 3) the CDBCF of the joint was verified. The full-scale experimental results of the joint were adopted to verify the CDBCF, and a comparison of the derived formula and the formula in CECS 235:2008 was conducted. -
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