Research on Design Trend of Solar Photocoltaic High-Rise Residential Buildings Based on Future Climate from the Perspective of Carbon Neutrality
摘要: 由于土地的集约利用,高层住宅是我国未来住宅的主要形式,在我国政府提出努力实现“碳达峰”“碳中和”的双碳背景下,研究其全寿命周期碳减排对我国节能减排工作具有重要意义。基于2050典型气象年的未来天气数据,以我国不同气候条件下高层住宅为研究对象,对不同建筑类型、窗墙面积比、光伏板光电转换率等因素下的建筑全寿命周期碳排放量进行分析。使用建筑能耗模拟软件,结合相关建筑碳排放计算方法,计算了4个变量的210种组合下的高层住宅全生命周期全生命周期净碳量C、建材固碳量Cm、运行排碳量Co和光伏减碳量Cp,对计算结果进行相关性分析,并量化、分析地域及建筑设计变量与低碳目标的作用机制。研究表明:寒冷地区、夏热冬暖地区、温和地区、严寒地区、夏热冬冷地区高层住宅实现碳中和的难度逐渐增大,为实现我国2060年碳中和目标,优先推荐在寒冷地区发展碳中和高层住宅。从碳中和角度出发,未来全国高层住宅的发展趋势是30~34层住宅;34层2梯4户工字型、33层2梯3户分别是南、北方地区碳中和高层住宅推荐类型;使用太阳能光伏板、提高光伏板光电转换率是以北京为代表的寒冷地区实现高层住宅碳中和的有效手段。Abstract: Due to the intensive use of land, high-rise housing is the main form of housing in China in the future. Under the dual-carbon background of China's government's efforts to achieve "carbon neutrality" and "carbon peak", the study of its life-cycle carbon emission reduction is of great significance for China's energy conservation and reduction. Based on the future weather data of a typical weather year in 2050, the paper took high-rise residential buildings under different climatic conditions in China as the research object, the carbon emissions in the whole life cycle of buildings with different building types, window-to-wall ratios, photoelectric conversion of photovoltaic panel and other factors were analyzed. Using building energy consumption simulation software, combined with related building carbon emission calculation methods, the net carbon C, building materials Cm, operating carbon emissions Co, and photovoltaics of 210 combinations of high-rise residential buildings with 4 variables were caltulated. The carbon reduction Cp in the whole life cycle of correlation analysis of calculation results was conducted, as well as the quantification and analysis of the mechanism of regional and architectural design variables and low-carbon targets. Studies have shown that it is increasingly difficult for high-rise residential buildings to achieve carbon neutrality in cold regions, hot summer and warm winter regions, mild regions, severe cold regions, and hot summer and cold winter regions. In order to achieve China's carbon neutrality goal by 2060, carbon-neutral high-rise residential buildings should be recommended in cold regions. From the perspective of carbon neutrality, the future development trend of high-rise residential buildings in the country is 30-34-storey residences; 34-storey building with I-shaped and 2 terraces and 4 households, 33-storey building with 2 terraces and 3 households should be the recommended types of carbon-neutral and high-rise residences in the southern and northern regions, respectively; the use of solar photovoltaic panels and the improvement of photovoltaic panel photoelectric conversion rate are effective means to achieve carbon neutrality of high-rise residential buildings in cold regions represented by Beijing.
Key words:
- high-rise residential /
- carbon neutralization /
- future climate /
- whole life cycle /
- solar photovoltaics
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