摘要: 为研究装配式组合梁中剪力键集束式布置时剪力键集束度(单个断面预留孔剪力键数量与全梁剪力键总量的比值)对梁体刚度的影响,开展了1片现浇组合梁和2片不同集束度的装配式组合梁的静力加载试验,测试其截面应变分布、界面滑移和跨中挠度,并分析截面刚度、挠度变化等规律。基于无剪力连接区段刚度连续渐变假定,以及等效前后无剪力连接区段面积相等原则的刚度等效简化方法,推导了无剪力连接区段等效抗弯刚度,结合弹性理论建立了装配式组合梁弹性抗弯刚度折减系数η的计算式,得到考虑集束度影响的装配式组合梁弹性折减刚度计算方法,并应用于不同加载方式下装配式组合梁跨中挠度方程。对比可知,该方程计算值与试验实测结果吻合较好,最小偏差为0.4%,最大偏差为14.8%,表明该方程计算式具有良好的精度,可以用于分析集束度对装配式集束键群组合梁刚度的影响。Abstract: In order to study the effect of the clustering degree of shear connector (defined as the ratio of the number of shear connectors in the reserved holes of a single section to the total number of shear connectors in the whole beam) on the stiffness of the prefabricated composite beam when the shear connectors are arranged in clusters, the static loading experiments of one cast-in-place composite beam and 2 pieces of assembled composite beams with different bundling degrees were carried out to test the section strain distribution, interface slippage and mid-span deflection, and the change laws of the section stiffness and deflection were also analyzed. Based on continuous gradient assumed that the stifiness of the section without shear connection and the principle of equal area of the section without shear connection before and after equivalence, the stiffness equivalent simplified method was proposed, the principle of equivalent flexural stiffness of the section without shear connection was derived. Combining with the elastic theory, the formula of elastic bending stiffness reduction factor η of prefabricated composite beams was built.By considering the effects of clustering degree, the calculation method for the η of prefabricated composite beams was obtained and applied to the mid-span deflection equation of prefabricated composite beam with different loads. The calculated values of the formula were in good agreement with the actual test values. The minimum deviation was 0.4%, and the maximum deviation was 14.8%. It showed that the calculation formula in this paper had good accuracy and it couls be used to analyze the effects of clustering degree on the stiffness of prefabricated composite beam with this type of cluster key group.
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