摘要: 基于数值分析方法,利用LS-DYNA软件建立承重砌体墙抗爆分析计算模型。通过相关的抗爆试验文献验证了数值分析方法与爆炸荷载施加方法的正确性。为研究不同比例距离爆炸荷载下墙体的破坏形态和设置不同间距构造柱墙体的抗爆效果,以反映洞口尺寸影响的洞宽比θ为参数,分析不同洞宽比墙体在爆炸荷载下的动力响应和设置构造柱对墙体抗爆方案的影响。结果表明:设置构造柱可以有效地提高承重砌体墙的抗爆性能,构造柱间距不宜过大或过小,以3 m最为合理。随着洞宽比θ的增加,墙体破坏程度增加,当洞宽比θ较大时,设置2个小洞口墙体比设置1个大洞口墙体破坏程度更为严重。对于洞宽比θ较大的墙体,在两侧及洞口处增加构造柱后,墙体抗爆性能明显增强,但洞口下部的窗台墙仍会发生严重的破坏。在开洞处增设过梁,对抑制小开洞墙体的开裂效果很好,墙体未见明显破坏;而仅设置1个大洞口墙体的窗台墙仍然破坏严重,尚需进一步采取抗爆措施。Abstract: Based on the numerical analysis method, the calculation model of explosion resistance for load-bearing masonry walls was modelled by the software LS-DYNA. The validity of the model and the method of explosive load application were verified by relevant anti-explosion test literatures. The failure modes of walls under explosive loads with different distance proportions and the anti-explosive effect of structured columns with different spacing on walls were studied. The parameter of ratio for the opening width and wall width (θ) was put forward, which could reflect the influences of openings on walls. The dynamic responses of walls with different θ under explosive loads and the effect of setting structural columns as anti-explosion measures were analyzed. The results showed that the explosion resistance of load-bearing masonry walls could be effectively improved by setting structural columns. The spacing of structural columns should not be too large or too small, and the spacing of 3 m was the most reasonable. With the increase of θ, the damage degree of the walls increased. When θ was larger, the damage degree of walls with two small openings was more serious than that of with a large opening. For a wall with a larger θ, the explosion resistance of the wall was obviously enhanced by adding structural columns on both sides and at the opening, but the serious damage could still occur in the wall below the openings. The addition of lintels at the bottom of openings could efficiently control the cracking in walls with smaller openings, but in walls with larger opening, the damage still occured serisusly, the further reinforcing measure should be studied.
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