Research on Flexural Performance of Variable-Section Inverted Trapezoidal Steel Beams in Shenzhen Dayun Transportation Hub
摘要: 为研究变截面倒梯形梁的抗弯力学性能,设计缩尺试件并开展四点静力加载试验,通过与数值模拟结果的对比分析,揭示了变截面倒梯形梁在横向荷载作用下的应力分布规律。结果表明:变截面倒梯形钢梁缩尺试件抗弯承载能力达到770 kN,面内抗弯承载性能优异,试件没有出现失稳问题;数值模拟结果与试验结果的变形特征相同,应力分布一致,两者计算所得抗弯承载力误差为3.9%,初始刚度误差为12.4%;与实际工程最不利荷载工况相比,变截面倒梯形钢梁承载力安全系数为12.4,设计荷载下试件挠度为4.14 mm,且处于弹性受力状态,满足挠度和工程安全性要求。Abstract: In order to study the flexural performance of variable-section inverted trapezoidal steel beams, the scaled specimens were designed, and four-point static loading tests were carried out, which were compared and analyzed with numerical simulations to reveal the stress distribution law of variable-section inverted trapezoidal beams under vertical loading. The results showed that the flexural capacity of the scaled specimen reached 770 kN, and the in-plane flexural performance was excellent, and there was no instability problem in the test. The numerical model exhibited the same deformation characteristics and the same stress distribution as the test results, and the error in the flexural capacity was 3.9%, and the error in the initial stiffness was 12.4%. Compared with the most unfavorable loading condition of the actual project, the safety coefficient of the bearing capacity of the variable cross-section inverted trapezoidal steel beam was 12.4. The deflection of the member under the design load is 4.14 mm, and it is in elastic stress state, which meets the deflection and engineering safety requirements.
Key words:
- variable section /
- inverted trapezoid /
- flexural performance /
- numerical simulation /
- scaled test
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