Experimental Research on Shear Performance of Stainless Steel Connectors in a New Type of Prefabricated Concrete Sandwich Insulation Wall Panels
摘要: 为降低建筑使用能耗,达到节能减排的目的,研发了一套适用于新型预制混凝土夹心保温墙板的不锈钢拉结件,用于实现预制墙体保温和石材外挂装饰一体化。基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件,从两种抓钩拉结件中选择出力学性能较优的鱼式拉结件,并结合板式拉结件系统开展抗剪性能试验。结果表明:石材连接界面的抗剪破坏模式为脆性破坏,石材与混凝土、拉结件分离,拉结件端部弯折,鱼式拉结件竖向布置比横向布置对连接界面抗剪性能影响更大,所测得抗剪平均承载力大22.2%;板式拉结件抗剪破坏形态为混凝土开裂,拉结件及锚固钢筋变形,在布置两个或四个板式拉结件的试件中,单个拉结件的抗剪承载力试验值分别为29.75、26.35 kN。通过理论计算与试验数据对比分析,发现两种拉结件的抗剪性能较好,且均有较大的安全储备。Abstract: Based on reducing the energy consumption of buildings and achieving the purpose of energy conservation and emission reduction, a set of stainless steel connectors suitable for a new type of precast concrete sandwich insulation wall panels was developed, which can realize the integrated prefabrication of external stone decoration and wall insulation. The shear performance tests of two stainless steel connectors were systematically carried out, and the results showed that the shear failure mode of the stone connection interface was brittle failure, the stone was separated from the concrete and the connector, the end of the connector was bent, and the vertical arrangement of fish-type connectors had a greater impact on the shear resistance of the connection interface than the horizontal arrangement, and the average measured shear bearing capacity was 22.2% greater. The shear failure mode of plate connectors was concrete cracking, the connector and anchor steel rebars deformed. In the specimens arranged with two or four plate connectors, the test values of shear bearing capacity of a single connector was 29.75 kN and 26.35 kN, respectively. Through theoretical calculation and comparative analysis of test data, it was found that the shear resistance of the two types of connectors were good, and both had large safety reserves.
Key words:
- prefabricated type /
- fish-type connector /
- plate-type connector /
- failure mode /
- shear resistance
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