A Review of Recent Advances in Containment Leakage Testing for Nuclear Power Plants
摘要: 安全壳是核电站发生事故后,有效防止放射性物质泄漏的最后一道屏障,也是保障核电站安全稳定运行的重要设施之一,因此其密封性能至关重要。在核电站调试和运行期间均需要开展核电站安全壳密封性试验,以测试其密封性能。介绍了国内外关于核电站安全壳密封性试验的最新研究成果。从安全壳整体密封性测试、局部密封性测试以及涉及密封性测试的其他方面三个角度总结了相关研究进展。对安全壳整体密封性试验和局部密封性试验的不同方法进行了比较,并总结了方法特点。此外,对安全壳密封性测试相关的部件优化、泄漏率预测和数值模拟与软件开发进行了总结,还分析了目前安全壳密封性测试研究存在的不足,探讨了安全壳密封性测试未来发展的方向,可为安全壳密封性研究及其发展应用提供相关借鉴。Abstract: The containment is the last barrier to effectively prevent the leakage of radioactive materials after an accident in a nuclear power plant, and is one of the important facilities to ensure the safe and stable operation of a nuclear power plant, so its sealing performance is crucial. Nuclear power plant containment leakage testing is required during both commissioning and operation to test the containment sealing performance. The research progress was summarized from three perspectives: integrity leak rate testing, local leak rate testing, and other aspects involving containment leakage testing. The different methods of integrity leak rate testing and local leak rate testing were compared and the characteristics of the methods were summarized. In addition, a summary of component optimization, leak rate prediction and numerical simulation and software development related to containment sealing testing was presented. The shortcomings of the current containment leakage testing research were also analyzed, and the future directions of the containment leakage testing were discussed, which can provide relevant references for the containment sealing research and its development applications.
Key words:
- containment /
- leakage testing /
- research progress /
- future research directions
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