Research on Seismic Performance of Repaired RC Frames with Prefabricated Cladding Panels
摘要: 为研究修复加固后受损带预制外挂墙板钢筋混凝土(RC)框架结构的抗震性能,将2榀分别装有轻钢龙骨墙板和混凝土墙板的受损两层足尺框架使用碳纤维(CFRP)布和钢板等材料加固,并对其进行拟静力加载试验,对比研究加固前后2个试件的承载能力、刚度退化和耗能能力等抗震性能以及其破坏形态。试验中受损修复结构在层间位移角2.0%时的水平承载力相较于初始结构分别提升21.8%和11.2%,峰值位移角分别提升至3.3%和2.5%。结果表明:修复加固后,预制外挂墙板为结构的第二道防线,在罕遇地震时可作为受损RC框架的附加支撑,结构抗震性能得到改善。围护墙体在罕遇地震时提供的附加刚度能够减缓受损结构的刚度退化,使结构具有更大的抗倒塌冗余度。与混凝土墙板相比,轻钢龙骨墙板与RC框架连接节点破坏较少,整体结构变形能力更强,更易于震后修复。研究结果可为受损带外挂墙板RC框架结构修复后的抗震性能提供科学依据。Abstract: In-plane seismic performance of the reinforced reinforced concrete (RC) frame-cladding panel structural system after the earthquake was experimentally assessed herein. Two full-scale two-story seismic-damaged RC frames with different cladding panels were repaired by carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) sheets and steel plates. Quasi-static loading was imposed on the test specimens so as to comprehensively evaluate the bearing capacity, stiffness degradation, energy consumption capacity and failure patterns. Compared with the original structure, the horizontal shear forces of the two repaired structures were increased by 21.8% and 11.2%, respectively, when the inter-story drift ratios were 2.0%. The inter-story drift ratios were increased to 3.3% and 2.5%, respectively. The results showed that the repaired and reinforced cladding panel continued to provide support for the damaged RC frame under the rarely occurred earthquake as the second line of defence, and could improve the seismic performance of the strucatre. The enclosure wall could provide additional stiffness to the main structure under the rarely earthquake and slow down the stiffness degradation of the structure, which made the structure had better anti-collapse redundancy. Compared with concrete cladding panels, the connections of light steel-framed cladding panels were less damaged, which indicated that cladding panels with light weight could alleviate the seismic damage, improve the deformation capacity of the whole structure, and was easier to repair after the earthquake. The research results could provide scientific basis for the seismic performance of reinforced RC frame-cladding panel structural system after the earthquake.
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