Element Restoration—A Minimalist Methodology on Architecture and Urban Design
摘要: 极简主义艺术对于设计领域的影响是深远的,要素还原是其主要手段之一。从当代建筑和城市规划中的三类要素还原现象——作为美学风格的要素还原、作为操作策略的要素还原和作为营城模式的要素还原入手,通过实证分析和哲学思辨,深入剖析并提炼其内在机理和共性特征,可归纳为结构提纯、空间自律、技术集成和概念直观。基于此,进一步探索出一种本质化和物质化的还原方法论——面向可能性开放和生成的、以基本关系构造为核心的框架化设计程式及其空间系统和形式语言,最后结合在地实践予以实证。探索旨在回归本源,完善和拓展规划设计学科的内核和边界。Abstract: The influence of minimalist art on the design field is profound. Element restoration is one of its main means. Through substantive evideuce analysis and philosophically and logically mental analysis, three kinds of element restoration phenomena in contemporary architecture design and urban planning were analyzed deeply, which were aesthetic styles, operational strategies and urban management modes. And its internal mechanisms and common features were deeply anatomized and refined, it could be summarized into four aspects, that was purified structure, self-disciplined space, integrated technology and intuitive conception. Based on that opinion, a restoration methodology of essentialization and materialization was discussed, which would be a framework design program, spatial system and formal language of openness and generation oriented towards possibilities, with basic relation construction as the core. Finally, combined with local practices, the theory be verified. The exploration aimed to return to its roots, improved and expanded the core and boundaries of the planning and design disciplines.
Key words:
- minimalism /
- element reduction /
- key substances /
- self-organization /
- basic relation /
- foundation framework
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