Experimental Research on Mechanical Properties of Phosphogypsum-Filled Cold-Formed Thin-Walled Square Steel Tube Walls Under Axical Compression
摘要: 为提升冷弯薄壁型钢(CFS)墙体的轴压性能,提出在CFS墙体中填充磷石膏的构造措施。以磷石膏填充区域及有无覆板为变化参数,设计制作了4片全尺寸试验试件,通过轴向加载试验,阐述了试件的破坏过程,分析了各墙体的破坏模式、轴力-位移曲线、应变曲线及承载力等。试验结果表明:试件破坏主要为方钢管墙架柱局部压溃破坏、墙面板破裂、磷石膏压溃,底导轨变形等;与空腔墙体试件相比,仅在墙架柱中填充磷石膏的覆板墙体承载力提升了37.4%,在墙架柱内与柱间均填充磷石膏的覆板墙体承载力提升了115.7%,表明磷石膏的填充可有效提升CFS墙体的轴压承载力;有无覆板墙体对比表明墙面板对竖向承载力略有影响。此外,还提出了墙体的轴压承载力计算式,验证结果表明,该算式具有良好的计算精度。Abstract: In order to improve the mechanical properties of cold-formed thin-walled steel (CFS) walls under axial compression, a new structural measure of infilling phosphogypsum in CFS walls was proposed. 4 full-scale test specimens were designed and fabricated with consideration of the phosphogypsum filled area and the measures with or without sheathings. Through axial loading tests, the failure process of the specimens was described, and the failure mode, axial force versus displacement curve, strain curve and bearing capacity of all specimens were analyzed. The test results indicated that the main failures of the specimens were the local crushing of the square steel tube wall studs, the tearing of the wall sheathings, the crushing of the infilled phosphogypsum, the distortion of the tracks, etc. Compared with the hollow section specimen, the bearing capacity of the specimen with phosphogypsum only filled in the steel tubes was increased by 37.4%. For the specimen with phosphogypsum filled in steel tubes and phosphogypsum filled in the area between studs, the bearing capacity was increased by 115.7%, indicating that the infilled phosphogypsum could effectively improve the axial load bearing capacity of the CFS wall. The comparison of specimens with and without sheathings showed that the wall sheathing had a slight influence on the axial load bearing capacity. In addition, formulas for calculating the axial load bearing capacity of the walls was also proposed in the paper. The verification results showed that the formulas had good calculation accuracy.
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